Faces of Black Biz: Idyll Bound Interiors

gvl enthusiast stands in solidarity with the black community.

gvl enthusiast as a person believes black lives matter. this is not a politically charged statement to me, nor is it for pr. it’s what i believe every day with or without this platform. with or without a movement.

gvl enthusiast as a brand is here to share and showcase the greenville community. right now black business owners in greenville need support from our community, if nothing but to listen, and to love.

while my main objective will be to share black-owned businesses that we can support financially as a way to put our money where our social media mouth is, i have also let participants know that they are welcome to share anything they would like to in regards to racial relations. some will choose to share, some may not. that’s okay. there may be differing thoughts and opinions on this platform, and that is okay.

if you would like to be included in this series or nominate another black-owned business, please reach out to me on instagram @gvlenthusiast.

idyll bound interiors

Idyll Bound.jpg

From the Owner, Renatta Davis - “Renatta Davis is an eclectic and intuitive interior decorator who loves incorporating color, texture, and patterns! She offers virtual interior decorating services to professionals and young families, leading them on a creative journey of transforming their houses into beautiful homes. Through video conferences and online communication, she gets an in-depth view of her clients’ needs while alleviating their design worries. Nothing makes her happier than knowing that whenever her clients are home, they are excited to be there!”

Support Idyll Bound Interiors


Faces of Black Biz: MyFitGamePlan


Faces of Black Biz: Renewed Elements Aesthetics and Wellness